Youths implored to shun social vices

The Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SMobile Group, Mr. Kingsley Adonu, has charged the youths to shun any form of social vices if they must maximize opportunities in their domain to better their worth.

He said this following his appointment as patron of Students Union Government (SUG), University of Nigeria (UNN), Nsukka.

He reminded the youths that the society is waiting to celebrate their innovation.

The President, SUG of UNN, Comrade Enoch Utazi said Adonu’s appointment because of his antecedents in youth and student constituencies, both within the University of Nigeria Nsukka and outside the institution.

“It is out of nostalgia and heart full of gratitude that we unanimously appoint him as the patron of the Students Union. We believe that this appointment would open more doors for the UNN students,” Utazi said.

In his acceptance letter, Adonu thanked the student body for the honour.

“I am delighted by this honour you have done me by making me your patron. Truly, the youth is the beacon of hope of the society and that is the reason I leverage every opportunity I have to champion the course for the digital skills development of our young ones.

“Today, there is no course of study in school that does not have an element of technology influencing it. For this reason, S Mobile Tech Hub was instituted to reequip our youth with hands-on skills needed in today’s workplace and entrepreneurship. Very soon, you will see the hub established in Nsukka area as a complement to the university’s management effort to equip our youth for today and tomorrow’s success,” he said.


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