Withdraw your remarks or risk suit, Edo APC chief tells Datti-Ahmed

Datti Baba-Ahmed

All Progressives Congress (APC) chief in Edo State, Prince John Mayaki, has asked the Vice Presidential candidate of Labour Party (LP), Datti Baba-Ahmed, to withdraw his comments disputing Bola Tinubu’s victory at the 2023 presidential poll or face legal action over alleged incitement and sedition.
Baba-Ahmed had challenged the APC candidate’s victory in a television interview, saying the country does not have a president-elect and therefore, should not hold inauguration on May 29.
The assertion drew widespread criticisms from activists and civil society groups that considered it reckless and capable of fomenting trouble in the country.
The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), subsequently, sanctioned the television station that aired the remarks, restating its resolve to fine any medium that promotes division and unprofessionalism.
According to Mayaki, who chaired the Media and Publicity Committee of the APC-PCC in Edo State, the sanction must include the source of the controversial speech, unless he (Datti-Ahmed) offers a retraction.
In a statement, yesterday, the former Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Media to former Governor, Adams Oshiomhole, said: “Regardless of anyone’s personal feelings and preference, the election has produced a winner, who will be sworn in on May 29 in accordance with the laws of the country and the democratic norms we have kept since 1999 when we won back our freedom after years of bloody struggle.
“It is totally unbecoming for somebody to risk all of that just because his wet dream of seizing power was denied by majority of Nigerians and for him to feel emboldened to go on television to spread inciting and seditious comments. This cannot just end at words, we must take action to ensure there is never a repeat of such thoughtless action capable of throwing our country into chaos.
“Datti-Ahmed must offer an immediate retraction, complete with an apology to the APC and Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, or be brought in to answer for criminal incitement and sedition. The media, too, must ensure accountability and deny him access until he atones for his recklessness. This is in keeping with the media’s obligation to defend the truth and objective fact, which includes Bola Tinubu’s standing as the President-elect.”
He also praised the Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, for his recent condemnation of Baba-Ahmed’s comments, adding that the democracy activist had again demonstrated courage where others, out of fear of a tyrannical mob, chose the complicity of silence.


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