Wiki Loves Africa Competition Begins October 1

PHOTO: wikimedia
PHOTO: wikimedia

WIKI Loves Africa (WLA), an annual contest where people across Africa can contribute media (photographs, video and audio) about their environment on Wikimedia Commons for use on Wikipedia and other project websites of the Wikimedia Foundation is set to commence on October 1.

The competition particularly encourages participants to contribute media that illustrate a specific theme for that year. Each year, the theme changes and could include any such universal, visually rich and culturally specific topics ranging from markets, rites of passage, festivals, public art, cuisine, natural history, urbanity, daily life and notable persons.

According to the organisers, the theme for this year, ‘Cultural Fashion and Adornment Images’ is defined by local cultural influences and would include cloths, styles, ways of wrapping and hanging, culturally-defined jewellery, make-up, hairstyles and woven materials.

The two-month competition, which will start on October 1, would end on November 30, 2015. The project will run across Africa countries including Nigeria. But, some specific actions (training, communication etc.) will hold in some countries with national organisers.

The project will feature a contest to select the best media at the continental level, with a ceremony and prizes as deemed appropriate.

