‘Why youths don’t settle for dignified vocation’

Nigerians youths

A university teacher, Prof. Omare Otote has blamed the prevailing lavish lifestyle of Nigerian youths for their inability to settle for a dignified vocation.

Otote, while delivering her inaugural lecture at the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (AAU), lamented that six months of revenue after basic expenses may not be enough for the average Nigerian youth to purchase a desired phone as everyone appears to be in a hurry.

In her lecture titled: “Repositioning affective learning for core mandate of social studies education in Nigeria: Back to basics,” Otote advocated attitudinal change and value reorientation, aimed at solving problems among Nigerians to grow a better and prosperous nation.

According to her, value reorientation among Nigerian youths is key in ensuring a better future for the county.

“The Nigerian society is bedevilled with problems, which are social, ethnic, political, religious, and economic, among others.”

Otote noted that social studies as a discipline encourages a positive attitude towards problem-solving.
She also advocated collaboration between town and gown, reminding that no one is relevant except by making a positive contribution to one’s environment.

The Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. Asomwan Adagbonyin, said the lecture was a well-thought-out academic work that dealt with the realities of the nation.


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