Victory In Christ (1)

Memory Verse: “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” Romans 8:13.

Bible Passage: Romans 8:1-13

Here the word “flesh” is referring to the natural human tendency towards rebellion and sin, the strong desire for immediate, selfish, thoughtless, physical gratification. It certainly does not mean our limbs and organs, Rom.6:6.

The Flesh
The flesh is, in this context, opposite to the spirit. The flesh is the Adamic old man, while the spirit is the new man in Christ. The attributes of the flesh are enmity with God and inability to please God. It profits nothing, and is alive only to sin, Gal.5:17; Rom.8:6-8; Jn.6:63; Mk.7:21-23. The flesh produces: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, revelling. The Bible makes it clear that those who do these will not inherit the kingdom of God. The end of the flesh is death and everlasting punishment, Gal. 5:19-21; Rom.6:23; Matt.25:46.

Victory Over The Flesh
Jesus lived a victorious life here on earth. He showed us how. He was tempted in every way exactly as we are, yet, was without sin. He completed our redemption. He delivered us from the power of the flesh, Heb.4:15; Rom.8:9; Jn.19:30; Rom.6:8-14; Rom. 8:3-4. The Christian can walk by faith and in obedience to the Holy Spirit to overcome flesh. We nevertheless still have roles to play.
• Knowledge. Because of Satan’s defeat at the Cross, his only strength is in our ignorance, Hos.4:6.
• Walk in the Spirit. We are to walk in obedience to His inner promptings daily– Gal.5:22-25.
• Temptation in itself is not sin: It is yielding to temptation that is sin. Understand that God has promised a way of escape for you, 1 Cor.10:13.
• Keep away from all sources of temptation, Ps. 101:3; 1 Tim.6: 9-11.
• Be aware of Satan’s devices, 2 Cor.2: 11, Jn.8: 44, 1 Pet.5: 8, Rev.12: 10, Rev.12: 9.
• Discipline the flesh with regular fasting and prayer.

Through Christ, we have victory over the flesh, Gal.5:16. You can live above sin, which no longer has dominion over you. Will you submit to the Holy Spirit today? Walk in the spirit and enjoy your victory over the flesh in Christ Jesus today. Amen!

