Using TV commercials to drive inspiring messages of courage, self-confidence

A scene in the TVC
A scene in the TVC

Even as profit is the chief motive, some organizations are out to challenge the convention and ready to sacrifice the profit just to go outside the norm. The new television commercial by Nigerian Breweries Plc speaks to this unconventional ideal. The Gulder commercial has a central theme of playing up the masculine psychology. Though the message is that the beer is a drink for men, it, however, used the word ‘man’ connotatively to mean the masculine attributes while spotlighting the characteristics of the male gender.

The new TVC clearly brings up the debate of the difference between the sexes, having characteristics associated with being male or female. Across cultures, there are culturally preferred gender roles and the men usually grow up learning these things and other rules of masculinity. And the learning is built around three major themes of strength, honour and action.

The first story is a young man caught between sitting back and receiving no positive reviews for his stellar performance in the office. He eventually grows up and becomes a man by walking up to his boss and eventually getting his reward. In the second one, the guy was even mistaken for an attendant by a lady while in the third story, a man who is in love with a General’s daughter is afraid of going before his would-be father-in-law and telling him how he feels about his daughter.

These commercials also align with the earlier effort by the company through a radio talk show, The Ultimate State of Mind (TUSOM), a motivational programme anchored by Muyiwa Afolabi. The talk show provides the guides to confidence living. The talk show which is on various radio stations across the country, is meant to draw the attention of men to the challenges of survival and the can-do spirit that enable men to conquer. For the brand, success is a state of mind, which can be achieved by everyone, as there are no superstars since everyone can become one in his chosen field and in his own right.

Therefore, the new commercial built on the male gender further consolidates the messages and drives the message to another level. In the new commercial, the first one which is about a young man caught between sitting back and receiving no positive reviews for his stellar performance in the office. But it is the male psychology, gender and the attributes there off that make the guy to grow up to become a man by walking up to his boss, which eventually got him his due respect and reward.

This speaks to the three major themes of the masculine psychology of strength, honour and action and their sub-themes.
It takes a man all of his courage to take a step forward especially when at a crossroad. The commercial subtly preaches that to make the right move and take that decision would require the ‘man’ element in any person. This message also ran through the two other commercials.

For instance, the second commercial is about a guy who loves a lady but has the challenge of making expressing his intention and overcoming his timidity. The message is that it also takes the man in any person whether a lady or guy to express his feelings of love to the opposite sex. The advert speaks to the strength theme of masculine psychology, which is about emotional toughness and intelligence, courage and self-confidence. It is also about the action theme, which is about risk-taking and ambition.

The last commercial which is the story of a man who is in love with a General’s daughter, but is afraid of going before him to tell him how his feelings but finally takes the decision after the man in him is challenged to act.

While speaking on the commercial, Adebola Johnson said he got wowed when he watched the advert, as it was more about an inspiring campaign on the need to be a man and not be timid at the point of taking decisions.

He said, “I was really motivated and inspired by the message though it was meant to sell a product but I did not see it from that angle. I think other organizations should emulate that and not just be profit-driven at all times.”

For Bimpe Badmus, the commercial is one that tells her as a lady that she must be tough and bold, adding, “Though I am a lady, the advert has told me that I must be a ‘man’ by being daring when I’m at crossroads. I want to commend the producers of the television advert because it is loaded with messages.”

While commenting on the commercial, the Senior Brand Manager, Gulder, Onyeka Okoli, stated that as a brand that loves its customers and repay them for their loyalty, they hope to the use the TVC to play significant revolutionary roles in the lives of their teeming customers across the country by inspiring them to succeed in everything they aspire to do and achieve.

According to him, through research and relationships with its market, the brand has discovered that the greatest limitations to succeed reside in the imagination of individuals.

