Using social media to disrupt real estate industry, by Stadelmann

No single tool has changed the landscape of the 21st century like the Internet. The ability of people and businesses to congregate virtually has been a virtual game-changer for the world these were the words of Sandro Stadelmann who is using the same tool to reform the face of real estate in his native Austria.

According to him social media is a tool and can be used by employing analytics and other data for business use.

Stadelmann continued: “A lot of what the world is up to is there in this day and age, all we need to do is to take advantage of that information.”

The real estate entrepreneur has not had his success easily, having to navigate a difficult childhood. “I didn’t have an easy youth and when I was 20, I decided to do a year abroad in the military,” he said. “After that year, I decided to pursue a career in the real estate business.”

Sandro set up his company, Mister Immo GmbH, in 2017 after that year serving in the military abroad and it allowed Sandro set about trialing his ideas in the real world.

“I think one of my biggest desires is to get people up to speed with the digital aspect of real estate,” he explains. “We want to show them how to link with the buyers and sellers that are now increasingly resident on the internet because that’s the future.”

Beyond deploying digital tools for real estate success, Sandro places his focus on the strength of his company’s customer service. “Me and my team go the extra mile of the extra mile for our customers,” he says. “We rely on highly effective marketing and ensure that both interested parties and real estate sellers receive the best possible advice.”


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