USAID-Breakthrough recommends insecticide-treated net for malaria

USAID officials distribute reliefs materials to the vulnerable PHOTO: TWITTER
USAID-Breakthrough Action Nigeria has reiterated the need to use insecticide-treated net, saying it’s the only antidote to frequent malaria cases.

Senior Programme Officer of the group in Abuja, Dr. Olusola Adeoye, stated this, yesterday, at the Cross River State Insecticide Treated Net (ITN) campaign micro-planning meeting, held with the support of United States of America President Malaria Initiative (PMI) and other partners in Calabar.

She said Nigeria is one of the countries in the world with the highest burden of the malaria pandemic, especially in the Sub-Sahara region.

While decrying misconception about the net, the programme officer, however, assured the public that the nets were safe to use if instructions on its application were strictly followed.

He said: “Nigeria is one of the sixth countries that carry the highest burden for malaria whether it has to do with the disease itself or the fact that the disease kills. And so, the President Malaria Initiative is very passion about it.”

“It is important to highlight the fact that we are commencing the implementation soon for the insecticide treated net campaign.
“It has been proven beyond the shadow of doubt that when people sleep inside the insecticide treated net consistently, they do not have malaria, and that is why PMI, and Breakthrough Action are very passionate about this.”


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