Topflyers Awards acknowledge individuals based on verifiable projects

Topflyers Awards
Musa Yahaya

CEO of Topflyers Magazine, Musa Yahaya is the CEO of Pysmaco Limited, the publisher of Topflyers Magazine International. Yahaya’s passion for media and creativity, combined with his entrepreneurial spirit, led him to establish Topflyers Magazine International as a prominent platform in the industry. To further showcase excellence in different sectors, he created the Topflyers Award and Topflyers Modeling Academy to reward hard work and dedication. In this interview, he shares valuable insights into the origins and impact of his brand.

How did the concept of Topflyers Magazine and its underlying vision originate?
From a young age, I possessed a unique mindset that encouraged me to think creatively and find innovative solutions to problems. I developed a habit of questioning the origins of things I encountered and appreciating individuals with exceptional talents who could create remarkable things from scratch. I referred to these individuals as “Topflyers.” It’s worth noting that my passion and compassion for others, regardless of their background, also played a significant role. I derive joy from helping and giving back to society. In fact, my friends call me “Mr. Talent Hunt.” It is interesting to note that during my quest for knowledge in Canada, the concept of Topflyers Magazine was born. Our main purpose is to recognize and honour those who overcome societal barriers and rise to the top. The vision behind Topflyers Magazine is to celebrate individuals who make positive impacts on society by presenting awards, recognition, and sharing inspiring stories for the younger generation to emulate.

What symbolic significance does the design of the Topflyers Magazine Award hold?
That’s an excellent question. I have previously discussed the meaning behind the award design on our social media platforms, but let me explain it again for those who may not be aware. The Topflyers Magazine Award design symbolizes the journey from “grass to grace,” signifying progression from one stage of life to another. If you closely observe the award, you’ll notice two stars: a small one and a big one. The small star represents growth and determination, while the big star represents the achievement of success. In essence, it represents overcoming societal challenges and reaching the pinnacle of one’s career. Everyone is eligible for this recognition as long as they have something to offer or contribute that brings about positive change in society.

Over the years, many individuals have received this prestigious award. How have these recipients contributed to society to deserve such recognition?
To be eligible for the Topflyers Magazine Award, individuals must have made significant contributions to their immediate community or society as a whole. We evaluate their impact through extensive research on their background and conduct surveys on individuals and brands across various fields. Since the inception of this esteemed award, it has encouraged and amplified acts of generosity and selflessness. It’s crucial to emphasize that Topflyers Awards acknowledge individuals based on tangible and verifiable projects they have undertaken. It remains a highly regarded award that cannot be obtained through monetary means.

What partnership and investment opportunities are available through the Topflyers Magazine brand?
Topflyers Magazine serves as a global platform to showcase brands and individuals and highlight their achievements. We are open to establishing new partnerships and welcoming investors while nurturing our existing relationships. The Topflyers Award attracts brands and individuals each year who invest in and sponsor the event, receiving value in return for their contributions.

What is the focus of this year’s edition, and what can we anticipate?
This year, we are celebrating the 11th anniversary of Topflyers Magazine, and it promises to be an enlightening and entertaining event. The theme for this year is “Reaching for greater heights.” As you can see, we have been publishing educative and entertaining stories honoring deserving individuals and brands for over a decade. Be rest assured that we excel in presenting captivating content to our audience.

Any additional messages for the loyal fans of the Topflyers Magazine brand?
Before addressing our audience directly, I’d like to mention that we have a parent brand called Pysmaco Limited, which oversees Topflyers Magazine, Topflyers Awards, Face of Topflyers Modeling Academy, and Topflyers Foundation. The foundation serves as a means for us to give back to society, and we have been doing that back to back. Now, to our cherished audience, I encourage you to continue placing your trust in Topflyers Magazine as your daily companion. For those of you out there working hard, remember that the Topflyers Magazine Award team acknowledges your dedication and commitment. One day, you may be honoured for your hard work and achievements.


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