Thriving despite troubles Part 2

[FILES] Pastor W. F. Kumuyi

Perseverance in persecution, steadfastness in suffering, courage in crisis, fearlessness before fierce, formidable foes, devotion and dedication in times of danger were some of the attributes of the Apostles. Indeed, steadfast, perseverance during severe persecution is the distinguishing mark of all true Christians.

Everything around them should have overwhelmed and crushed the spirit of these ministers of the gospel, but they stood courageously before the intimidating council, as unconquerable ambassadors from the courts of heaven.

The enemies of resurrection and righteousness took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. It is more than that. They had been with Jesus, they had received from Jesus, they had been baptised and empowered by Jesus, they had died and risen with Jesus, and they had conquered with Jesus. The power upon them, the purity within them, His presence with them, the protection around them, the pillar behind them, all principalities under them and Paradise before them made them as bold as a lion. They were more than conquerors. The threats were empty and shallow; nothing could frighten the Apostles anymore. They had received the Holy Ghost and they were seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you will possess such holy boldness, which will render persecutors insignificant and their persecution ineffective.

The whole Church prayed with one accord. In their prayer they said, “Lord, thou art God.” The persecutors were mere men, but the Lord is “God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is.” Recognising the Omnipotence of God reduces persecutors and persecution to nothing. God holds all the forces of nature, all the factors of space, matter and time, all the possibilities and eventualities of the universe in His Hands and under His control. Those early believers knew this; they also knew the word of God. Quoting copiously from Psalm 2 in their prayer, they reassured themselves of the Omniscience of God.

Nothing takes God by surprise. He knows all things beforehand. Neither the plot of the past nor the persecution of the present could derail or destroy God’s plan.

The believers prayed for boldness to preach the gospel, and power to heal and confirm the word with signs and wonders. Their prayer received immediate response from heaven, hence the Church remained strong, faithful and unconquerable. The Holy Spirit filled them with power and the place of prayer was shaken. The shaking of that house was symbolic of the shaking that would take place in the house of Israel, and eventually in the world at large.

The Church became mighty and old ideas, traditions, sacrifices, ceremonies, systems and religious structures in Israel were shaken to the very foundation by the powerful and irresistible proclamation of the name of Jesus. Great grace and great power is upon the whole Church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church.
• Further reading (King James Version): Acts 4:1-37. Acts 4:1-12; 10:39-43; 17:30,31; 26:8,19-23; Romans 10:9,10; Acts 23:6-9; 5:18; Matthew 21:42-45; Psalm 118:22,23; 1 Peter 2:6-8; Matthew 1:21; 1 Corinthians 3:11. Acts 4:13-22; 5:27-32,40-42; Jeremiah 1:7,17-19; 26:12-15.


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