The transformed life – Part 4

Ejikeme Ejim
Text: Romans 12:1-2
Key Verse: Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (NKJV)

Every child of God, running the Heavenly race should steer clear of the values and traditions of the world. He should not be carried away with the way the people of this world do things. He should not do business as the people of the world do it or wear the type of clothes they do or go to their places of amusements. Every child of God should avoid all the characteristic of the world system. Never be identified with them in any particular way in your life. Keep away from the world system.

Satan, the devil, is the architect of the world system and the people that follow him partner their thoughts after him. They speak, respond to situations, dress and do things in a particular way. You have been with them; in fact, you were once like them until you gave your life to Jesus Christ, became a new creature and abandon your old ways of doing things that are, the old things disappeared.

What I don’t understand is why some people after coming to Christ will begin to behave like the wife of Lot? Instead of facing their heavenly race, they begin to look back to the world system where Jesus Christ brought them out from. They begin to desire the things of the world again, in spite of the workings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost in their lives.

In spite of the Word of God, we hear every day, some of us are not satisfied and want to be like the people of the world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4). If you identify with the world system in any way, you are cutting yourself off from God. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and, then, a new mind, a new heart, a new creature and a transformed person comes out of you.

The Bible said as a man thinketh in his heart, so, is he (Proverbs 23:7). People may be looking at the same face, but a new creation, a new person, a new husband, a new wife, a new daddy, a new mummy, a new daughter, has come out of you. You are no longer that stubborn daughter that does not listen to her parents or that rebellious son that will not respect his father and mother, but now the Holy Ghost has made you a new daughter and a new son. This is what becomes of you when you are transformed and your mind is renewed and then you will prove that good and acceptable and perfect will of God to the people around you.

Is Jesus Christ living in you? Is Jesus Christ in charge of your life? Is Jesus Christ in control of your life? Is Jesus Christ the authority in your life? Is Jesus Christ the owner of your life? Is Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? Are you a child of God or a man of the world? What is important is what you have done with a load of sin. Whatever position you may be occupying in the church; if you are carrying the load of sin, you are matching to Hell. This is why Jesus Christ came, that He may save His people from their sins, that He may give us life, an overflowing life, an abundance of life and it is a life that is free from sin. Giving your life to Jesus Christ is the most intelligent move you can make on this side of Heaven.

Today’s Nugget: Giving your life to Jesus Christ is the most intelligent move. Prayer: Lord Jesus, I give my life to You. Prayer lines: 08054477940.

E-mail: Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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