The love that can be felt

Charles Ighele

Is it possible for a parent to love a child and the child would not know? Or for a husband to love his wife without her knowing of it? Or for a wife to love her husband without him knowing of it too? Yes, it is very possible!

John always goes out of his way to make his wife look good. He bought her a car and ensured that she had the latest clothes and all the businesses he opened were in her name. She had the latest phone and electronic gadgets.

You can imagine the shock of the man when he over heard his wife one day talking to her friend and telling her that her husband does not love her and because of that, the love she had for him had died; she said their marriage was for convenience. 

Further investigation showed that in the six years of their marriage, her husband had never told her he loved her, even when she tells him he does not voice it out, instead he gives her gifts. The man said his gifts to her were his own way of showing his love and the woman said she only felt he was carrying out his duty and responsibility as her husband.

Learn to pour out love to your spouse and your children. Always tell them you love them, do not feel that they know you love them, say it and make them hear it. Hug and touch them.

Whenever you scold or beat your child, express love in double fold. This should also go for your spouse after any quarrel. Do not feel that because you pay your children’s school fees, buy them clothes, take them out and do other good things for them that they would know you love them, no! They would only see it from the angle that you are carrying out your fatherly or motherly responsibilities towards them. Whatever you are doing for them, back it up with a verbal expression of your love for that child or spouse.
Always ensure you pass the love message across. Love you.


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