Space Transformation

Space-3-CopyIN the interior, space appears dark and gloomy. There are some little things that can be done to make jazz up the space and make it appear brighter.

Among the things that can be done to change the face of a space is to remove excess items to make the place look spacious and welcoming. This will leave a more open feeling around the house and quickly make it bigger and brighter.

Another thing is to make changes in decorations. It is fun to have decorations around the house such as pillows for the beds and couches. Dishes in bright colour, even down to very little things like vases or placemats, will leave a lighter feeling around the house

Natural light brightens up a home. Therefore, let in as much natural light as possible. Where there are dark curtains make a change to white or light coloured ones because they can go a long way in transforming a space. Try to utilise your windows by getting as much light in as possible.

Lighten up dark corners in the house with lamps and light bulbs. This will make your house seem a lot brighter at night time.

Try using new fresh smelling scents. While this may sound a little odd, fresh scent in the house will make a difference in how bright and light the space feels.

Having some fresh flowers or plants around will give your home a fresh smell that will help it seem brighter and more inviting. Some researches have indicated that flowers can enliven the mood and keep it elevated for the day. Even a bouquet of wildflowers that you pick yourself can do a lot in this regard.

