Seek him when he can be found

J. A. Shodeinde

“Seek you the LORD while he may be found, call you on him while he is near” (Isiah 55:6). “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).

Seeking God is a command by the Creator of all. It can be achieved through prayer. The Lord still listens to the prayer of the Saints. David sinned against God, but he repented and called unto God in his time of distress. God came to his rescue. If you are a sinner, call on Jesus today. He is merciful and ready to forgive you. Do not wait until the devil throws you into the prison of life before you seek God. Don’t wait until you have an incurable disease before you seek, or until you lose your wealth. Seek God in every season of life. 

The house of God should not be jettisoned. The church has been ordained by God as a place of fellowship, for His children, who carry out His Will and purpose in this world. To grow in Christ, the church is vitally important. As a branch grows because it’s connected to the tree, our staying connected to the church makes us thrive. Moses was instructed by God to build a tabernacle, which later became the temple. This place of worship served as a centre for teachings and instructions about God and His Commandments for Israel. Psalms of praise and worship were also offered to God from the tabernacle. We need to be frequent in the house of God to grow spiritually.

Are you afflicted and you know it’s due to your sin? Don’t be afraid to call unto God for help. To seek God effectively, you must be ready to learn and be willing to walk in God’s ways. God is always consistent in His ways, through His holy nature. If we ask God to teach us His ways and we do not seek to walk along them, that would be ludicrous.

Acts 8: 25-40 talks about an Ethiopian Eunoch, who was journeying in a chariot. He was trying to read a prophecy written about Jesus Christ in Isaiah 53:7-8, but he never understood what he was reading. He was willing to know whom the passage was referring to. God responded to his heart desire by sending the man of God called Philip, to explain to him that he was reading about Jesus Christ the Saviour. This event made Eunoch to find God and he believed Christ was crucified for his sins. Jesus gave him the opportunity to have his transgressions and short-comings forgiven, to enable him escape hell. This tells us that if you search for God, He will reveal Himself to you. God wants you to find and discover who He is. Because of the love He has for us, He sent His Son Jesus to pay the ultimate price, so we can make Heaven and avoid eternity with Satan.

Seeking Him wholeheartedly is never in vain, as it leads to enormous blessing and joy. Great rewards abound on earth and in Heaven for those who diligently seek Christ. Neglecting God attracts punishment. Seeking God always is the key.
The Saints’ Gospel Church of Christ — Hand of Fire. Hand of Fire City, Olowo ina Bus Stop, Igando-Ikotun Road, Lagos. Web address: www.tsgcc Facebook: Jacob Shodeinde. Subscribe to our channel on YouTube@: Tsgcc-handoffire. 0811 770 0956


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