Return Of Hair Relaxers

These days it seems like every time I refresh my instagram there is someone using a relaxer on their natural hair. I have also observed this new movement on Tiktok and YouTube.

This maybe be the end of #teamnatural and the return of the relaxers.

But I did not expect this from certain natural hair influencers and public figures as most of them had sworn off relaxers years ago.

This is not to say that influencers in the natural hair communities cannot change their minds. Looking back to the times when they made campaigns on the dangers of relaxers, the situation is quite sticky.

This return began slowly during the covid 19 lockdown where most women were faced with the responsibility of taking care of their natural hair by themselves.

Prior to this, women could just walk into their hair salon and get their natural hairs tended to.

The revolution even took a bigger leap after the lockdown was lifted and inflation hit the country, in recent times.

As the prices of products that are curated for natural hair skyrocket, natural hair salons shrink away due to unaffordability.

So many #teamnatural women -and men – are beginning to tiptoe back into the relaxer pool as they have discovered that keeping their natural hair is not a lifestyle their time and money can buy.

However, there are some naturalistas who are returning to relaxers, not because of the unaffordability, but just because they want to.

A member of this category is Victoria Adeyele, popularly known as ‘Vee’, a Lagos based musician, former housemate of the Big brother Nigeria.


In April 2023, she posted a video on instagram which was a mini-documentary about her decision to end her natural hair journey.

She also revealed in this video that she had been natural for over seven years and would now be putting an end to the journey.

“Seven years ago, I decided to shave my hair completely bald and I’ve been natural ever since.” she then adds, “but i can’t lie I’m over it. I am relaxing my hair today.”

This video got a lot of her fans agreeing and cheering her on while some others frowned upon it. Your natural hair was beautiful. Cancer of the uterus is going round o”, said one of the disapproving comments.

Also, another reason for this return could be ascribed to the comeback of the sew-in hairstyle.

A creator on Instagram, Amy Okoli also posted a video that simply depicted the end of her own natural journey which she captioned, “In my sew era”. The comment section since then has also bloomed with so many comments supporting and opposing her decision.

Although, this time those who concur with this choice are more than the others. Some see it as a sign to get their own hair relaxed and as a permission to let go of their natural curls.

Even Though, there is a lot of push back on relaxers in Nigeria, the major problems women face in the hair community is the discrimination of natural hair.

Here, regular hair salons request that their customers get their hair relaxed, and when ‘rebellious’ customers show up with their natural curls. They are treated with the tiniest rattail comb and a heavy hand.

From what I have gathered, the Nigerian natural hair community only just started to sprout. hence the fear of extinction is causing the rest who are sticking with their curls to panic.

Also, with the no-longer-secret dangerous side effects of relaxers most people are being discouraged to delve into the lane of relaxing their hair.

At the end of the day, when it comes to the topic of hair, it is best for one to choose what is best for their lifestyle.

You may decide to keep your curls, relax it, shave it all off or even dye it. Hair is just hair, and what you do with yours is totally your business.

However, ensure that you are going for the safest choice and products, and follow the directions of a professional. Do not be pressured to make choices you can not afford.



  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.

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