Redeemer’s varsity appoints deputy vice chancellor

THE Senate of the Redeemer’s University, Osun State, has appointed Professor Kayode Adekeye, a professor of statistics as the university’s deputy vice chancellor.

Speaking recently at the presentation of the new vice chancellor to the Senate of the institution, its vice chancellor, Professor Debo Adeyewa, said that the appointment was necessitated by the need to expand in order to achieve the vision that would make the university realise its dreams.

   He noted that the appointment would serve as an impetus to accomplishing more ambitious projects within the university.

  Until his appointment, Adekeye has been the Director of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance at the university, a post he assumed in 2013. His current research areas are on statistical quality control, statistical process control, process capability analysis, design of screening experiment with special emphasis on analysis of unreplicated screening experiments, exploratory data analysis and total quality management.

