Recipe For Pan Fried Fish With Lemon, Garlic And Parsley

Food is a very simple path to happiness and ever since I chose this path I have not looked back. Food is crucial to our nourishment; the nourishment of body and also mind, but is also a source of joy for many of us. How exciting is the sight of water bubbling over, beckoning for the pasta to be thrown in; butter, sugar and cream, transforming into this strange, exciting, decadent caramel. And how wonderfully inviting is a home with the whiff of a delicious apple pie in the oven?
You are guaranteed to stay until you get a piece of that pie. Food is a sure source of pure happiness.



Greek and Christian philosophers argued that happiness associated with food is just ‘happiness’ as a ‘thing’, and therefore ephemeral and short-lived. Yes, I do admit that the fish pie with a generous melange of potatoes, white fish and creamy yet savoury fish velouté topped with clouds of potato mash, a duo of breadcrumbs and parmesan baked to perfection does fill me up with such joy, but by following day I need another shot to fill up that space in my heart and tummy. So is the same passion I, we have for fried plantain, that one cannot successfully cook some without devouring half a plate’s worth. The question is, “Why is that a bad thing?”

This is a journey, from an idea, to penning a recipe, a shopping list, shopping for groceries – the beauty of fresh, ripe and plump tomatoes, fresh herbs and fragrant spices to finally cooking and devouring the fruits of this labour of love. Now that we have evoked the passion for a full plate; in plain English, now that we are hungry, LET’S GET COOKING!
This is a favourite recipe of mine for an easy light lunch that packs a punch!
Pan Fried Fish with Lemon, Garlic & Parsley


Dressings are incredibly easy and versatile. Dare I say; a salad without dressing is just an amalgamation of greens; healthy greens that enrich the body, terribly good for you, yes, but achingly dull.

Why not skip the jug of mayonnaise for a healthy, refreshing and memorable dressing. My favourite dressings are those I can eat as dips for vegetables, or as sauces for lean meats or fish.

Talking about killing two birds with one stone; let us pan fry fish, served with a green salad of lettuce, carrots and tomatoes whilst basking in the flavours of olive oil, lemon and garlic!

Using the same flavour profile for a salad is a great way to keep your plate simple but still dynamic. Cooking the fish in olive oil, lemon and garlic, intensifies and sweetens these flavours, especially the garlic, but using them as a dressing keeps them fresh and vibrant.

serves 2 hungry tummies

2 white skinless fish fillet (a sturdy thick fish like Nile perch or grouper)
Salt and black pepper to taste
5 tablespoons of olive oil
1 crushed clove of garlic
2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley or a herb of choice
Juice of a whole lemon
Lets get cooking!

1. Whilst cooking fish, we must carefully clean and debone it. After cleaning pat the fillets dry and season with salt and black pepper. Black pepper adds a fragrant kick to fish dishes especially light dishes with linear flavours such as this.

2. Place a sauté pan over medium heat and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Once hot, carefully place the seasoned fillets in the pan. Throw in half of the crushed and chopped clove of garlic to cook in the oil. Use a table spoon to baste the fillet as it cooks, keep basting it with the oil and garlic and carefully turn after 3 minutes. Basting your fillets is the secret to cooking an incredibly moist and evenly cooked fillet.

3. Keep an eye on the heat in order to avoid burning and drying out the fillets. As it cooks on this side, repeat the basting technique and leave to cook for 3 minutes.

4. Roll your lemon on a surface with your palm firmly guiding it in order to soften it before cutting and make sure to remove all seeds. You don’t really want them on your plate, do you ? Cut the lemon in half and squeeze into the pan and onto the fish as it cooks. Add the finely chopped parsley. Fresh herbs are best for fish dishes. After this addition to the pan, baste again, and by the 7th or 8th minute your fish should be cooked and ready to eat. Cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of the fish and your stove temperature.

5. Transfer the fillets to a serving dish and dress with the sauce from the pan. You can serve with a Zesty Juicy Salad as I did in this recipe, and also throw in potatoes or rice, if you need the extra carbs!



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