‘Real trade online trading platform to boost retail investors’ participation’

SECURITY Africa Financial Limited has stressed that the new  ‘Real Trade’ online trading platform, would boost retail investors’ participation in the market.

   The platform would also enable investors who are bored with the traditional method of buying shares through stockbrokers by given order to buy or sell to access a different option.

  Speaking at the launch of the product in Lagos yesterday, the Managing Director of the company,  Afolabi Folayan explained that the platform has a seamless interface with the Nigerian Stock Exchange(NSE) trading platform, adding that investors can trade through NSE platform without barrier.

   Folayan stressed the company’s commitment to continue to leverage on its strong human capital to ensure value delivery to its diversified clients, while assuring that the vendors went through a rigorous process with the NSE before it was approved for use.

  He added that the introduction of the platform is another milestone that will bring convenience to the company’s teaming customers and other retail investors.

   He listed the its value proposition to include: prompt and accurate execution of mandates or deals, Accessibility to timely and accurate market research on publicly listed companies, First class Financial advisory.

     Others include: provision of information/data on various investment instruments, Superior personalized customer service, unrestricted dealer access and Competitive and concessionary pricing.

On the impact online trading will have on the capital market, he said the process will help boost investors confidence in the market,  as they have opportunity to decide on what to buy or sell.

  According to him, “the company has achieved another milestone by bringing convenience to its teaming customers and other retail investors through a new addition to our stable. We are here today to introduce the most recent addition to the stable of Securities Africa Financial Limited. This new product is borne out of the need to satisfy the cravings of certain group of investors.

      “This is one of the best you can find anywhere. In terms of security, it is the very best you can get. Downtime is next to nothing and security is guaranteed. There is an encryption between our clients browser and ours and the server is being managed by experts in the United States.”

“We shall continue to leverage on our strong human capital to ensure value delivery to our diversified clients. 

Over the years, we have endeared ourselves to the hearts of institutional, high net worth individuals as well as retail investors in equities/shares, both within and outside the Nigeria.

