Partnership between business and information technology

When we talk about the partnership between business and information technology (IT), we are fundamentally referring to the collaboration and alignment of business objectives with information technology capabilities aimed at driving success and innovation in an organization. While we define alignment as bringing two separate items together, it is important to state that business and IT are not separate and discussions about alignment between them should not happen; we should not distinguish between technology objectives and business objectives but should view them as one and the same thereby not requiring alignment.

It is critical to reiterate that IT is an integral part of every single function of every single modern business and therefore essential to establish strategic partnerships which are mutually beneficial. As a result, IT leaders should stop aligning themselves to the business. They have to be a crucial part and component of the organization and be more into the fabric of the business and not a separate body. There is just one organization, one team which an IT professional is part of in many different levels. Therefore, the IT experts are to provide values, become solution providers by solving the problems of the CEO, President and Executive thereby becoming an indispensable component of the overall strategy, vision, mission, success, and the direction the organization is leading.

The IT executive in a firm needs leverage his organization to add value to the business by first understanding that IT professionals do not know everything therefore, regardless of the industry, whether finance, communication, agriculture, manufacturing et cetera, he should strive to be integral at the highest possible strategic level and all other levels below or across and leverage the expertise of, and the relationships with leaders of other units by collaborating for the overall benefit of the entire organization. In the words of RJ Juliano, a leading IT executive, ‘the right relationship accelerates and enables the achievement of company goals, engages customers and employees, and drives innovation in both product and process’.

The IT professional should ensure everyone in his organization stops to view IT as just service rather, it should be viewed as a strategic advisory and an equal partner in advancing the business forward. Consequently, he should establish strong and effective technical partnerships leveraging other functional areas or units so that the business as a whole can grow, advance, and generate more revenue to add more value to the shareholders.

Business and IT leaders work together to ensure that IT initiatives and investments remain as one to achieve the organization’s overall business strategy and objectives. This ensures that IT resources are directed towards initiatives that deliver the most value and support business growth through the following:

Technology Enablement: IT serves as an enabler for business innovation and growth by providing technology solutions and platforms that improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and enable new business models. Business leaders work with IT professionals to identify opportunities for leveraging technology to address business challenges and capitalize on emerging trends.

Cross-Functional Alliance: Effective relationship between business and IT involves close alliance and communication across different functional areas within the organization. Business stakeholders and IT professionals work together to understand each other’s perspectives, requirements, and constraints, fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork.

Agile and Responsive IT Services: IT departments strive to be agile and responsive to the evolving needs of the business, delivering IT services and solutions in a timely and flexible manner. This responsiveness requires close engagement with business stakeholders to understand their priorities, anticipate future needs, and adapt IT strategies accordingly.

Innovation and Digital Transformation: Business and IT collaboration drives innovation and digital transformation initiatives within the organization. By harnessing the power of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT), businesses can create new products, services, and business models that drive competitive advantage and growth.

Risk Management and Cybersecurity: Business and IT leaders work together to identify and mitigate risks related to technology, data, and cybersecurity. This alliance involves implementing robust security measures, compliance with regulatory requirements, and proactive risk management practices to protect the organization’s assets and reputation.

Overall, the unison between business and information technology is critical for driving organizational agility, innovation, and competitiveness in today’s digital economy. By working together effectively, businesses can leverage technology as a strategic asset to achieve their goals and deliver value to customers and stakeholders.

Olukorede Balogun
Managing Director, Peculiar Depictions Ltd.

B.Sc Economics, University of Ilorin,

M.Sc Data Management and Analytics, Washington University of Science and Technology, Virginia United States.

Member of the Association for Information System (AIS), United States.

Certified Management Specialist, London Graduate School.


