Oritsejafor gets African Leadership Magazine award

Dr. Ken Giami, CEO of ALM (right), Dr. Helen Oritsejafor and Baroness Sandeep Barba

African Leadership Magazine has awarded Dr. Helen Oritsejafor as the African Philanthropist of the Year 2021.

Oritsejafor, an industrialist, author and philanthropist was honoured by the magazine for her immeasurable and impactful philanthropic exploits through her foundation ‘Dr Helen, A Hand to the Needy Foundation’, which has implemented significant changes in the lives of millions of people.

The event, which was held in London, had the organisers, said the award was borne out of the desire to tell the African story from an African perspective, by focusing on individuals and corporations known for their legacy-based approach to leadership and rendering of effective and significant changes in the continent.

The Chief Executive Officer of African Leadership Magazine, Dr. ken Giami, said Oritsejafor has been a glimmer of inspiration and hope to millions of people over the years, with exceptional traits of consistency and commitment to making lives better through her show of strength, selflessness and love through various philanthropic exploits.

He said through her foundation, Oritsejafor has also helped individuals with struggling businesses affected by the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as those who needed to start-up businesses.

According to him, the foundation supported them by providing intellectual business training, as well as providing financial support and start-up capital, ranging from N300,000 to N500,000, respectively.

He added that she has also expanded educational opportunities to many less-privileged children through a full scholarship scheme, which runs from primary to tertiary level.

Receiving the award, elated Oritsejafor, who spoke on reasons for doing her philanthropic works, said: “The open-heartedness and kind gestures of my father for others and the loss of my mother at an early age, gave me a passion, where I realised that life should not be based on only your personal life and achievements, but also what you can do in transforming the lives of others, giving them a ray of hope that they can actualise their goals as well.”

She said that her philosophy is seeing to the transformation and the well being of mankind, adding that her background also influenced her now.


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