Odega unveils Visibility of Divine Opportunities

Mrs. Ngozi Ruby Odega has unveiled Vjisibility of Divine Opportunities. Odega in this 176-page book with nine chapters, published by A. A-Peters Expressions Lagos, in 2023, exposes a timely, practical and intentional gift of God to the end-time Christian. Odega, who had launched the book on the occasion of her 70th birthday on October 21, 2023, is a teacher of the word and a counselor. Odega, through the book, said careful scanning of Nigeria’s environments could lead to discovery of opportunities to fullfil purpose. She said impactful life is possible only when the opportunities to serve are discovered and utilised.

Written in easy to read grammar, the book is born out of the need to see Divine Opportunities where ever “we may find ourselves.”“This burden for discovery lies more on the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, who has redeemed, saved and positioned at our individual duty post to serve. This could only be possible if we could see by the leading of the Holy Spirit, the hidden opportunities that God has provided for us at any point in time. With this empowerment, the willing believer understands the assignment,” she says.

From chapter one to the last, the book x-rays available ways through which any serious-minded person, especially the believer in Christ Jesus could see and identify opportunities that God has showered on all His children to walk and work out divine purpose.

Odega, married to Dr Emmanuel Ogo Odega of Rubema Christian Missions Support International, has a wealth of knowledge spanning through missions outreaches to the circular environment where she has “left indelible marks on the sands of time.”

Prof. Adeshola O. Adepoju of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), in a foreword to the book, wrote: “You will agree after reading the last page of this book that this is indeed a great work, detailed and concise as you navigate the pages. You discover the enormous divine opportunities that God is bringing your way day in day out. The greatest desire of the heavenly bound vessel of God in this end time should be that the visibility of His Divine opportunities for us to serve must never be obscure to us!”


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