Obi’s olive branch a Greek gift, says Obiano

The Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano has dismissed the recent statement attributed to former governor Peter Obi, urging caution on the war of words ignited by the former governor’s media team over the bogus N75bn legacy purportedly left by the Obi administration as a Greek gift which should be taken with a pinch of caution.

In a Press statement issued by the Senior Special Assistant to the governor on Media, Mr. James Eze, the governor expressed both hope and concern that the former governor who had been strongly linked to the slew of dirty reports against Obiano’s family and administration in the past 19 months, should suddenly turn around to ring the bell of peace.

The statement frowned at Obi’s later day conversion to an apostle of peace, querying “Is Saul also among the prophets?” It reminded the former governor of the press statement earlier issued by Governor Obiano on September 16, 2015 calling for caution in the growing tendency of Obi’s media handlers to spatter mud on his family, the traditional institutions as well as the church in Anambra State.

“In the said statement, Governor Obiano had also ordered his Social Media Team and all his supporters to refrain from any bitter exchanges with people whose sole aim was to heat up the political space in Anambra State with false and negative stories.”

