Obianuju Philip’s journey from curiosity to leading Africa’s e-commerce industry

Obianuju Philip is a tech expert with over a decade of experience in e-commerce and logistics. He played a key role in establishing Jumia as Africa’s largest e-commerce company, significantly improving customer satisfaction, revenue, and operational efficiency.

In this interview, Philip shared his journey from being a curious secondary school student fascinated by computers to becoming a prominent figure in the tech industry.

In this interview, Philip shared his success story on how his curiosity led to him becoming a leading voice in the tech industry.

Can you share a bit about your background and what sparked your interest in digital technology?
I grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, a city that pulses with energy. My interest in digital technology started during secondary school when I discovered our school’s computer room. I often found myself drawn to our school’s computer room, where I discovered old computers and taught myself hardware repairs and software installations.

This exploration opened up a whole new world for me, sparking a deep fascination with technology. I spent countless hours tinkering with these machines, diving into their inner workings and marvelling at the impact a few lines of code could have. This early passion continued alongside my university studies, shaping my ambitions and driving me to explore the vast potential of digital technology further.

How has your academic journey influenced your career path in the e-commerce tech ecosystem?
My academic journey laid a strong foundation for my career in the e-commerce tech ecosystem. Studying computer science and Education provided me with technical expertise in computing and programming principles.

Additionally, courses in business management equipped me with practical skills to apply this knowledge effectively.

I gained hands-on experience in digital platforms and consumer behaviour through internships and projects. This prepared me for my role at Jumia Nigeria starting in October 2013.

Could you describe a particularly challenging project you worked on and how you overcame obstacles?
Managing logistics in African e-commerce posed significant challenges, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when safety concerns necessitated minimising human interaction in vendor operations at Jumia.

To address this, I led the implementation of a vendor self-drop-off feature and developed a web interface with our engineering team. Inspired by UK Royal Mail’s Click & Drop solution, I tailored it for the Nigerian market, boosting weekly order fulfilment from 10,000 to over 100,000 packages.

This innovation also optimised cost efficiency, saving USD 2000 monthly through revised payment structures for shipped packages.

What do you enjoy most about working in customer/user experience and supply chain within the e-commerce industry?
What I find most rewarding about working in customer/user experience and supply chain łwithin the e-commerce industry is the opportunity to solve intricate challenges and craft seamless user interactions.

Each day brings fresh, unique hurdles, particularly in a fast-evolving tech landscape like ours. It’s incredibly fulfilling to devise efficient solutions that elevate user satisfaction, even amidst resource constraints. Overcoming these obstacles and delivering smooth transactions and timely deliveries brings me immense joy.
Also, the nature of supply chain management demands innovative thinking and a proactive approach to driving customer happiness.

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in digital technology?
Staying up-to-date in the fast-paced digital technology industry is a blend of daily routines and proactive learning. I regularly read industry blogs, participate in webinars, and engage in tech forums to keep abreast of the latest developments and discussions. Networking with peers also provides valuable insights and opportunities to exchange ideas.

Similarly, hands-on experimentation with new technologies helps me stay sharp and curious, allowing me to anticipate trends and explore their potential applications.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career in e-commerce tech, based on your own experiences?
Embrace continuous learning and adaptability. The e-commerce tech landscape is ever-evolving, so staying curious and open to new ideas is crucial. Everyone’s journey is unique, and shaped by their interests and skills.

Don’t shy away from challenges – they are disguised opportunities. Networking is everything; build a strong network, seek mentorship from experienced professionals to guide your journey, and gain a solid understanding of technology and business fundamentals.

What drives your passion for ensuring customer success and satisfaction in the digital space?
Growing up in a region with limited access to desired goods, I felt the frustration of not easily finding the items I wanted. This experience drives my passion to create digital solutions that bridge such gaps and offer customers access to a wide range of products and services. I understand the profound impact of reliable, customer-focused services.

Ensuring customer success and satisfaction is my way of making a meaningful difference. When customers have positive experiences, it reflects the success of the systems and processes I have helped build—an incredibly fulfilling outcome. Enhancing accessibility and customer happiness remains central to my work in e-commerce and supply chain management.

How do you approach leadership and change management within your teams?
Even at a young age, I found myself in natural leadership roles without actively seeking them out. People recognised my potential, and I had to learn on the job, adapting my skills from secondary school onward.

I believe in leading by example and fostering a culture of open communication. This approach has empowered the teams I have worked with. Change management is also a critical aspect of my leadership, focused on preparing and supporting teams through transitions. I emphasise clear communication, setting realistic expectations, and being available to address concerns.

Ultimately, empowering my team to take ownership of their roles and encouraging innovation are key elements of my leadership style. It helped drive progress and success, both for the organization and the individuals I work with.

How do you see entrepreneurship and career as paths to fulfilling one’s purpose?
Both entrepreneurship and career paths offer unique opportunities to fulfil one’s purpose. While entrepreneurship is not easy, it allows for creative freedom and the ability to shape a vision from the ground up. On the other hand, a career – especially in a dynamic field like e-commerce tech – provides stability and the chance to significantly impact an organisation.

Both paths can be deeply fulfilling if they are aligned with one’s passions and values. The key is to carefully consider which approach resonates more with your aspirations and strengths, and then commit to that journey wholeheartedly. There is no one-size-fits-all solution – the most rewarding path is the one that allows you to thrive and make a meaningful contribution.

Can you share a memorable experience from your early days in the e-commerce tech ecosystem that shaped your approach to customer/user experience?
Early in my career in Nigeria’s e-commerce tech sector, I encountered a defining moment that profoundly influenced my approach to customer experience. It revealed a contrast between our platform’s promises of prompt delivery and quality assurance, and the harsh realities of logistical challenges and communication breakdowns that led to significant delivery delays.

This incident showed the importance of managing customer expectations transparently and prioritising clear communication. I learned firsthand that delivering a seamless user experience hinges on robust technology, efficient logistics, and strong customer service strategies.

Since then, I have focused on refining these areas, ensuring transparent communication, optimising delivery processes, and maintaining rigorous quality standards.

What do you consider your most significant contribution to the e-commerce landscape in Africa, and why?
I led initiatives to streamline customer service processes, improving response times and resolution rates. This focus on customer experience increased customer retention and set standards for service excellence in the industry. I have implemented strategies to optimise supply chain logistics, reduce delivery times and product fulfilment, and enhance product availability.

Ensuring vendors meet high operational standards, we have bolstered trust and reliability across the platform, benefiting both customers and vendors.

My contributions aim to elevate the e-commerce experience in Africa by fostering operational excellence, customer-centricity, and sustainable growth. These efforts are pivotal in shaping a thriving e-commerce ecosystem that meets African consumers and businesses’ diverse needs.

How do you approach supporting start-ups in advisory roles, and what do you look for in potential ventures to support?
I approach advisory roles with a focus on mentorship and strategic guidance. First, the product has to be a solution to a major challenge or need. I look for start-ups with innovative solutions, a clear market need, and passionate founders. Their vision must align with sustainable growth and impact. I also aim to provide practical advice, leveraging my experience to help them navigate challenges and scale successfully.

For instance, I currently advise Spendwise. ng,, Paystro as a Product & Innovation Advisor, and several others, aiming to provide practical advice drawn from my experience. I help them navigate challenges and scale successfully, fostering a collaborative approach to achieving their goals.

Looking ahead, what trends or developments do you believe will shape the future of e-commerce and digital technology in Africa?
Integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence will be transformative, enhancing everything from personalised shopping experiences to supply chain efficiencies. Mobile commerce will continue to grow, driven by increasing smartphone penetration. Additionally, blockchain technology can potentially revolutionise payment systems and supply chain transparency across the continent. I see these disrupting the industry in the coming years.

How do you believe startup ventures can serve as pathways to fulfilling one’s purpose, both personally and professionally?
Startup ventures offer a distinct blend of personal and professional fulfilment. They allow individuals to pursue their passions, create solutions for real-world problems, and drive innovation. The challenges and successes encountered along the way contribute to personal growth and a profound sense of purpose, making the entrepreneurial journey incredibly rewarding.

Can you share your thoughts on how a career in digital technology can be leveraged as a means to pursue and fulfil one’s purpose, beyond traditional professional roles?
A career in digital technology offers endless possibilities to make a meaningful impact. Beyond traditional roles, it provides opportunities to innovate, solve societal challenges, and drive positive change.

Whether through developing life-changing applications, improving access to information, or enhancing connectivity, a career in digital tech can be a powerful tool to fulfil one’s purpose and contribute to the greater good.
