Nwabueze, Sule, Others, Chart Path To Deepening Democracy After Elections


TO ensure that sanity prevails in the polity after the general elections, the national intervention group of Project Nigeria Movement (PNM), led by two elder statesmen, Professor Ben Nwabueze (SAN) and Alhaji Maitama Sule said it has commenced nationwide mobilization of leaders of conscience to secure Nigeria’s hard won civil rule.

Besides, the national intervention team recently set up by the movement is being chaired by an eminent lawyer and former President of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Chief Olisa Agbakoba (SAN), who is expected to lead 12 other leaders of thought and front line political activists from Nigeria’s six geo political zones to monitor and engage the eventual fall-outs from the ongoing electoral process.

A statement by the Coordinating Secretary of the group, Olawale Okunniyi pointed out that “the coalition has based its initiative on the outcome of its recent nationwide consultations on the future of Nigeria as well as the desperate struggle for power by the aspiring political class ahead of the 2015 polls in Nigeria.”

“The way the 2015 electoral process is crystallizing like a war, the hard-earned political palliative christened democracy in Nigeria may be dealt a disastrous blow and so there is an urgent need for a drastic intervention of patriotic leaders of conscience to be employed to save the country from the impending doom of disintegration predicted for this year by the United States in 2005.

“Therefore our structures and allies all over the country, have been directed to be on the alert to give popular leadership to their people in the light of any possible threat to the stability of the country arising from the elections,” Okunniyi said.

He also reiterated the group’s earlier position that “from the assessment of the build up to the 2015 elections, the only political initiative that can ensure Nigeria’s stability and survival of the ongoing democratic experiment is nothing short of a popular coalition government, otherwise known as inclusive government of national unity that can be applied as antidote to the do-or-die politics in Nigeria’s electoral contest.”


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