NPAN denies benefitting from arms scam

Newspapers** CopyTHE Newspaper Proprietors Association of Nigeria (NPAN) has decried attempts by some people to link the association with those who benefited unlawfully from the huge sums of money disbursed by the Office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) under the immediate past administration of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan.

In a statement to clear the air on the money disbursed to some members of the association by the Jonathan government as a compensation for the unlawful seizure of their newspapers, NPAN explained that the members collected the money in good faith.

It, however, stressed that not all members collected their cheques, pointing out that one of the executive members and the Publisher, The Guardian, Lady Maiden Ibru, spoke against the collection of the compensation.

It listed newspapers that did not collect their cheques to include The Guardian, Tribune and Peoples Daily. It added that their cheques were still with the secretariat of the association.

