NBA secretariat for completion by January 2016, says  Alegeh


THE President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Augustine Alegeh SAN has affirmed that the NBA Secretariat would be fully ready by middle of January 2016.

The NBA boss who said he met the project at the ground floor when he assumed office explained that the project is now at the fifth floor with the hope of finalizing works on the tenth floor by ending of December 2015.

Alegeh made the disclosure in his speech to the National Executive Committee  meeting which ended last Thursday in Sokoto.

The NBA president also used the opportunity to point out some of the achievements of his administration which includes the introduction of the NBA stamp and seal project, practice licence and insurance policy.

Others include, the NBA VISA Affinity cards, the national pro bono centre, upcoming NBA programmes and events and the proposed SLP seminar.

On the standard of practice, he hinted on his  intention to organise an education summit to review the state of legal education in Nigeria and mentoring programmes for the Nigerian Law School to improve learning and quality  of lawyers called to bar.

He said: “We are mindful of the fact that educational standards are falling, yet nothing appears to have been done to address this issue so far. It is imperative that the NBA takes a position on the current state of our legal education in our tertiary institutions”.

Alegeh disclosed that the NBA should be able to decide whether or not the current system of operating a centralised law school should be maintained or not. These according to him,  would help in improving the quality of legal education and the quality of lawyers.

He  however, expressed his displeasure  on the spate of crime in the society in which a High court Judge was kidnapped in Okene recently and called on the security agencies to ensure that adequate security measures are taken to prevent a reoccurrence of the unfortunate incidence.

“Our Judges must be given adequate protection to enable them function and perform their sacred role to the society. All forms of violence targeted at the Judiciary must be condemned in the strongest possible terms”, he declared.

