NANS issues 48-hour ultimatum to Delta varsities over tuition hike

National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), Zone B, Southeast and Southsouth, yesterday, issued 48 hours ultimatum to the authorities of Delta State universities over hike in tuition fees.

Deputy Coordinator, NANS Zone B, Oghale Emeka Rex, in a statement made available to The Guardian in Asaba, described the hike as “extortion taken too far.”

Justifying the participation of NANS in the protest, he described the body as “an organisation with the sole aim of protecting the interests and welfare of Nigerian students,” saying the body will spare “no option in ensuring that this gargantuan extortion is resisted if not reversed within the next 48 working hours.”

He said since the attention of NANS Zone B was drawn to the hike in school fees in Delta State University, Abraka and Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro in particular, the association had responded to the agitations of the affected students and prospective students by asking them to resist the hike.

According to him, this became necessary after obtaining and critically analysing the details of the fees to avoid outright anarchy, breakdown of law and order in the affected campuses.

He said: “We dare state that this action by the respective managements is, to say the least, reprehensible, callous, insensitive and repugnant to natural justice

For peace to reign across universities, NANS demanded “the implementation of the proposed new fees of Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro be suspended forthwith and be reviewed downward to an amount not higher than N70,000.”

The association appealed to the state governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, to intervene in what it called “the humongous fees” slammed on students and to ameliorate the suffering and burden of parents.


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