‘Moroccan monarch did not snub Jonathan’

THE Ministry of Foreign Affairs has refuted claims by a print media citing an online source that King Mohammed VI of Morocco snubbed President Goodluck Jonathan by refusing to speak with the President on phone. The information has been stated to be incorrect.

  A statement released by the ministry in Abuja Monday said President Jonathan spoke with the Moroccan monarch on phone.

  It read: “Since the King was in France and not in Morocco, both leaders spoke extensively over the phone on matters of mutual interest and concerns that have nothing to do with the conduct of rescheduled elections in Nigeria.

  “It is therefore preposterous to suggest that Mr. President’s telephone call to the Moroccan monarch was intended to confer any electoral advantage on the president.”

  However, the ministry appealed to the media to exercise greater restraint and circumspection in the use of foreign sources of news of developments in Nigeria.


