Lions Club empowers students with ICT, handcraft

WITH a determination to make a difference in the lives of young people and enable them to earn a living responsibly as future leaders, the Lekki Pennisula Lions Club in conjunction with Abraham School, Lekki, Lagos, has sponsored 39 students on a three months Information Communications Technology (ICT) programe and handcraft training.

   Director of Studies, Abraham House Business School, Pastor Charles Osarumwense, said the training on computer programs and hat making is meant to empower the youths not to be job seekers but job creators, who would in turn add value to the lives of other people.

   The module includes computer packages like Microsoft Offices, graphics application, practical sessions, customer relations training, business methods and profit-making skills like tying of Gele (headgears) and making of hats. 

   Osarumwense urged graduating students to use the Internet wisely by using their phones and social media platform for profitable ventures. 

   He also advised them to start their businesses, even with a small amount and grow them gradually, while those planning to further their education in tertiary institutions can save towards the project through prudent spending.

   The Lion District Governor, Laitan Onolaja, charged the students to appreciate the humanitarian gestures of the club and conduct themselves well in the society, so that in future, they can also join hands with other voluntary humanitarian clubs to sponsor other less-advantaged pupils.

   President of the club, Rita Okon, urged the students to apply all they have been taught to better themselves and the society at large.  

   One of the students, Jennifer Ndubuizu, said she got information about the training from a member of the club. 


