Late Night With Nike Oshinowo on red carpet


THE curtains fell on Season One of Late Night with Nike Oshinowo at a swanky party held at the Moorhouse Sofitel, late evening, on February 26.

The beautifully lit poolside party glistened, as the star of the night and LNWNO show host, Nike Oshinowo, glowed.  

 Oshinowo treated everybody present to a jocular speech, as champagne flowed. In typical fashion, the one-time Miss Nigeria was flawless, unruffled and beautiful to the eye.  It was pure delight to watch her do the Shoki and take Selfies with guests,including members of the LNWNO production crew, sponsors and partners – First Bank, Etisalat, Arik Air, Pernod Ricard, AIT and Lagos State Government (represented by Honourable Commissioner for Tourism & Inter-Governmental Relations, Mr. Disun Holloway).

    It was indeed a night of well-deserved celebration of a successful first season and an exclusive peek preview of Season Two, which premiered on March 5 on AIT. 

