Large turnout of women recorded in FCT, other states

Queue of voters at an internally displaced persons (IDPS) camp during the presidential and national assembly elections in Maiduguri on Faturday (28/3/15). PHOTO: NAN
Queue of voters at an internally displaced persons (IDPS) camp during the presidential and national assembly elections in Maiduguri on Faturday (28/3/15). PHOTO: NAN

Correspondents of NAN monitoring the elections in the Gwagwalada Area Council observed more women than men voters at the various polling units visited.

Some women who spoke with NAN attributed the development to the sensitisation programme by the council authorities who admonished them that they held the key to the development of the area.

The Woman Leader of Dobi, Mrs Nafisat Ibrahim, said that they came out because they were tired of living
in poverty.

“I remember one of the adverts clearly stating that women were development drivers in the area and the nation at large.

“In our campaign, we went from house to house, talking to our womenfolk. We told them that if they wanted the much needed clean water, electricity and better lives for their kids, they needed to come out of their houses and vote.

“We are tired of crying and trying to be strong. We have realised our power as women. And we are here to make sure that our government guarantees to us a reasonable standard of living through good governance.

“We are here to cast our votes and make that statement clearly” she said.

Hannatu Mohammed, a voter, said she came out because women were tired of being relegated to the background.

“Each time anything comes up, the men are always in the forefront. So now, we want to get involved in
the development process of the country.

“And since we were told that election is the way to go, we have come out to participate in this process
that would ensure the kind of development that we so much yearn for.

Similarly, the Youth leader of the community, Mr Lafumman Isa, said there had been a change in the way women saw themselves in the community, which is predominantly Muslim.

“That is why you see them like this. In fact it’s not only in election, but even at the family level,” he said.

Isa said that there is a bet in the community to see if the total number of women that voted exceeds the number of men.

