IPOB rejects Southeast governors’ regional security outfit

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), yesterday, urged governors of the Southeast region to jettison the proposed new regional security outfit for the zone.

It argued that the intention of the proposed security outfit was to counter the Eastern Security Network (ESN) it earlier formed for the protection and defence of Biafra land against terrorists and invaders responsible for attacks, rape and killing of Igbo people in their farmlands and forests.

Ebonyi State Governor and Chairman, Southeast Governors Forum, Dave Umahi, had announced last week that the Southeast regional security outfit was ready and would soon commence operation.

But in a statement issued by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group cautioned the governors against compromising the security of the region through what it described as “the mischievous advice of certain elements.”

“We, therefore, advise all Biafran fathers and mothers to caution their children against joining Umahi’s vigilante group as such outfit is an enemy of the people. Their agenda is sinister and anti-Biafra.

“We are happy to state that the grand conspiracy by our oppressors to take over the South with the help of compromised leaders is dead on arrival!

“We declare that any other group parading as Southeast and South-South Security outfit will not be allowed to operate on Biafra soil. Our people have already launched ESN, as our self-acclaimed leaders were nowhere to be found when it mattered most. Anyone who enlists in any treacherous security outfit in our land to destablise our territory will regret such a decision,” the statement reads.

The IPOB insisted that attempts have been made in the past to foist leadership on Ndigbo, stressing: “Now they have moved to form security outfit for us because our governors and political leaders are blinded by their greed and selfish political ambitions.”

Continuing, he said that IPOB would not allow terrorists any breeding ground on Biafra forests and farmlands, adding: “The raping, killings and unprovoked attacks must stop in Biafra territory.

“Anyone against the people’s resolve to defend themselves against foreign occupation will be crushed. ESN has been launched with the mandate of securing Biafra land and no force can disband this great movement until it finishes its mandate.”


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