Int’l Women Society, ASR-Africa empower widows

In commemoration of the International Widow’s Day (IWD), the International Women Society (IWS) has empowered about 250 widows with equipment to enhance their independence.

The yearly empowerment programme supported by Abdul Samad Rabiu Initiative for Africa (ASR-Africa) with N10 million grant, equipped the widows with various tools such as grinding, sewing, Point of Sales (POS) machines and cash gifts.

The widows also received palliative care packs from BUA Foods Plc. The grant is part of ASR-Africa’s ongoing efforts to invest in social development as one of its primary areas of focus.

Speaking at the empowerment programme held at Lekki, Lagos, chairperson for widows trust fund, IWS, Adebanke Adeola said the essence of the empowerment is to make them independent and be able to stand on their own, to take care of their children and families.

On the selection process, she explained that the widows were interviewed about their living condition, their families, submitted death certificates of their husbands, and brought photographs of their children.

“Through all these, we were able to determine the kind of businesses they should engage in. and for those who are already in business and have lost their capital or can no longer run the business, we make provisions to get them started again.”

Adeola expressed her outmost joy and satisfaction toward the grant donated to the organisation by the Chairman of ASR Africa and the BUA group, Rabiu. She prayed that the chairman continues to make giant strides and break new boundaries.

IWS 67th president, Dame Olabisi Alokolaro decried that widows are always neglected but that society is putting together to elevate them. She added that aside empowering widows, the society also train youths through skill acquisition programme.

Earlier, in his goodwill message, Managing Director and Chief Executive officer, ASR-Africa, Dr. Ubon Udoh appreciated the good job done by IWS since its establishment in 1957. He added that the grant, which will be distributed to widows in partnership with IWS, is aimed at bringing relief to the beneficiaries while ensuring its relevance and sustainability.


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