Inspiring Inclusion…With Nimi Akinkugbe

Nimi Akinkugbe

What does inclusivity mean for you and how important is it for women to be relevant in your field of practice?
Inclusivity, to me, means creating an environment where all women can feel respected, valued, and included regardless of their background or status. During the course of my 23-year banking career, and subsequently as an entrepreneur, the women in my personal and professional life played a key role in my growth and development. I realised that as women, we have so much to offer one another in terms of shared experiences and common concerns. In June 2021, upon my arrival in Athens as Nigeria’s first woman Ambassador to Greece, I recognised the need for a women Ambassador’s network group and took the initiative to establish one. Collaborating with fellow women Ambassadors, we successfully formed a strong cohort of 23 distinguished female ambassadors by the time of my departure in 2023. Our group fostered friendships, shared knowledge and experiences, contributing positively to the community. Women diplomats play a vital role in advocating for women’s rights globally, driving policies for gender equality and empowerment.
On the Exco of the FGN Women Ambassadors Group, we are keen to lend our common voice to support initiatives concerning women. As Ambassadors, we serve as role models, inspiring the next generation of women leaders in diplomacy and beyond. Women’s unique perspectives and skills enrich diplomatic discourse, fostering diversity and innovative solutions. Women bring essential soft diplomacy skills that enhance trust and cooperation. I look forward to seeing greater representation of women in diplomatic leadership, including the Grade A missions which are at the forefront of a country’s international relations. In many of the most challenging issues that confront the world today, women and children bear the brunt of the suffering; this includes human trafficking, war and conflict with the attendant displacement of peoples.

How do you inspire inclusion?
For two decades, I’ve dedicated myself to empowering individuals regarding their personal finance through various platforms including radio, television, social media, my book, the A – Z of Personal Finance, and games. By championing women’s financial empowerment, we can pave the path towards a more inclusive and just future, even within a largely patriarchal society like ours, rife with ingrained biases. Empowering women financially amplifies their voices, fosters confidence, and enhances decision-making abilities.

As a woman, what inspires you for success?
I am motivated by the desire for personal growth, continuous learning and self-improvement in order to achieve my full potential and the desire to make a positive impact on other’s lives. We often talk about the “imposter syndrome”, that nagging feeling of inadequacy despite accomplishments, which so many women leaders, including myself, suffer from time to time. It can fuel the drive for success and can be a catalyst for growth and excellence as you strive to be at your best.

What is your message to women especially as we mark this year’s International Women’s Day?
At every opportunity, I encourage women to invest in themselves, recognise their worth, embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their achievements. Women face unique challenges when it comes to their personal finances so I make it a point to always remind them to pay attention to this most important aspect of their lives. There is this misconception that women are our own worst enemies. On the contrary, women have played significant roles in any success I have achieved thus far. I am intentional about surrounding myself with women who motivate, encourage and uplift me and I try to do the same. Together we lift and encourage one another and mentor those coming behind us. I urge women to collaborate and support one another. Find a mentor and be one.

What is your life mantra?
I’m not sure that I have a particular mantra, but here is something that resonates. Life is the occasion. We are often waiting for that special day or time to do something. I’ve come to realise that this life itself is the occasion and should be celebrated and cherished. I try to make the most of every moment, to appreciate the present, even in the minutest things. I find joy, meaning and purpose in my experiences. I notice and appreciate the seemingly simple moments that occur in everyday life.


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