Ighodalo pledges to make NBA section on business law more inclusive

Asue IghodaloThe chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL), Mr. Asue Ighodalo has pledged to make the section more inclusive for all lawyers across the country.

Ighodalo who made the pledge at the sections annual general meeting held during the general conference of the Bar in Abuja also promised to embark on continuous legal training for members and improve on its value offers.

The chairman explained that it was in order to realise those goals, that the Section moved to strengthen its relationship with its Companies’ General and Corporate Counsel by holding a dinner in their honour, in the first quarter of this year.

That occasion afforded the SBL Council and leadership of the SBL Committees, the opportunity to engage in constructive and positive exchange of ideas with in-house counsel on a variety of issues aimed at ensuring a closer collaboration with them and enhancing the SBL’s value delivery. They were encouraged to actively participate in the Section’s programmes and activities.

To further enhance the capacity of members, the SBL set up a Committee dedicated to training, chaired by Dr. Adeoye Adefulu. The Committee has begun with the process of identifying the training needs of SBL members (particularly our Young Lawyers), and has developed a curriculum‎.

The Section is also working to improve the database of members.‎ “One of the things we found out of the section on business law is that we need to improve our data base. We need to get more members involved and include more members in our programmes and events”, he said.

He explained that SBL needs to capacitate it’s secretariat to be more effective. “Our secretariat is contained now and we are improving it to cater for larger membership. that is not going to work. I made a promise here in our annual general meeting that we will be more efficient and meet the need of all our section members”, he stated.

The chairman in his assessment of the conference, praised the President of NBA, Mr. Augustine Alegeh SAN and the conference organising committee for doing a great job. He said: “It is well organized. We had slight hiccup with registration but it was quickly taken care of. I think it is a better organised AGC. This is the first time in the history of the Bar that we had a sitting President and Vice attending the opening ceremony together. I think the president and NEC have done very well. I’m very impressed with what has been done so far. I noticed some kind of togetherness and camaraderie among colleagues in this AGC.”

In his report of the NBA-SBL activities to the NEC for the period between 2014 and 2015, Ighodalo said his Council has not relented in its efforts at increasing its active membership and diversifying their membership profile.

His words: “We are also working diligently regarding revenue generation by organizing seminars and also through membership subscriptions. Indeed, I am seizing this opportunity to invite interested NEC Members and our other colleagues to join the Section and actively participate in our programs.

“The recently concluded Conference also provided us with another opportunity to increase and diversify our membership, as well as update our membership database.”

