Hypertension Day : DOAMF offers free medical outreach at Falomo Lagos

In commemoration of this year’s World Hypertension Day, members of the Daniel Ogechi Akujobi Memorial Foundation (DOAMF) recently organised free medical outreach at Falomo Recreational Center Ikoyi Lagos.

According to World Health Organisation (WHO), raised blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.5 million deaths annually.

The foundation’s Health Programme officer, Esther Ogbu in her remarks, disclosed the programme was aimed at providing free healthcare check-up as a preventive measure towards offering prompt intervention for the less privileged in indigent communities.

With the theme “Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it and live longer,” she added the beneficiaries had one- on- one session with trained medical professionals.

Speaking further, she added the programme also aimed to provide solutions to rampant health issues especially increase in hypertension in adult and the aged, also predominant among the less privileged.

To Ogbu, “access to quality healthcare should be a basic human right. The foundation has remained committed in touching lives of the less privileged children, youth and aged, by providing essential healthcare services in different communities over the past 16 years.’

Specifically, she disclosed the outreach also focused on diagnosis and treatment of blood pressure, which impacted over 130 lives including adult and the aged.
Programme officer for Education Ruth Nwachukwu described the turnout as impressive, adding, “opportunities like this offer them hope and keep them alive.”

She further appealed to well-meaning Nigerians to continue partnering with the foundation in order to provide free quality healthcare services in their communities and put smiles on faces of the less privileged.


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