How St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment will improve quality of lives of Nigerians

Nigerians, who apply for the St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment, would not only enjoy the financial benefits but improvement in their quality of lives, St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Timothy Harris has said.

Harris said this during a webinar by The Guardian Nigeria titled: Build A Platinum Legacy and Broaden your Horizons with St. Kitts and Nevis

“It’s a very easy tax environment in which they are going to participate they will find a government that is most facilitating in this regard additionally they will find an environment which is conducive to investment at the same time respect property rights.

“Those who invest will be investing in a jurisdiction where their investment is safe where they can earn profit and they can repatriate their profit to their country or to any other country,” Harris said.

“They will be investing in a country that is close to the United States of America and has strong relationships financial diplomatic and other forms of relationships with all of the major financial sectors in the world including London with which we have had a history going back since 1623, the United Kingdom was for a very long time our mother country in a manner of speaking until 1983 when we obtained Independence from Great Britain and so United States is our closest neighbor and super power we have excellent relations with Canada.”

Harris further stated that the island country has built an environment that allows investors and their family members to  participate and have easy access to the rest of the international community.

The prime minister said the programme allows investors and their family members enjoy full citizenship for life, which can be passed on to future generations by descent.

He noted that children of those who invest in St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship would have access to quality education and can also access universities in any part of the world.

The prime minister also stated that the citizenship by investment gives applicants the privilege to travel the globe due to the high respect and relationship that the Island country has with most countries in the world.

He said St. Kitts and Nevis passport allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 156 destinations including United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore others.

Harris said the country also offers very attractive fiscal programme for those who are its citizens by investment such that they would enjoy its no personal income tax  while those who are investing in real estate, hotels will also acquire materials for their projects with no tax charge.

“We offer a very attractive fiscal incentive program where for example persons who are citizens by investment will have incentives, rather we have no personal income tax so all that you own is entirely yours and we are among the very few countries with such an attractive tax platform also those who are engaged in the real estate option of our citizenship program for example building condominiums or hotels or other forms of residential properties they have tax recon cessions waiver on all materials equipment etc that are required to build out their project,”  Harris said.

The prime minister also noted that aside the business benefits of the country’s citizenship by investment the environment is safe and peaceful which improves the quality of lives.

He said the country has one of the best primary health care in the world and this accounted for the way its healthcare workers handled COVID-19 with minimal cases recorded and no casualty.

Harris said despite being the oldest of its kind, the programme offers citizenship through donation or real estate investment to qualified applicants which is the most favorable in the world.


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