Holy Communion (2)


Memory Verse: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: …if any man opens the door, I will come in… and sup with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20.

Bible Passage: Revelation 3:20-22

Introduction It is both awesome and humbling to even imagine that God wants to dine with man. He took the initiative of knocking our doors for dinner. Dinner can connote an important personal intimate relationship. This is exactly what God has in mind. Let us look at the special features of this ultimate experience of dining with the King of kings:

• The Venue: The size and grandeur of the venue cannot be described by human words. 1 Kings 8:27 says the Heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. A great number of innumerable mansions, John 14:1-2.

• The Furniture: Heaven is the throne of the Almighty and the entire earth is merely His footstool, Isa. 66:1. • The Illumination: The lighting and glory is unapproachable, 1 Tim. 6:16.

• The dress code: Our God is clothed in majesty, strength, honour and light, Ps. 93:1; Ps. 104:1-2.

• The Menu: A wide variety of options fit for angels, Ps. 50:10-12. The bread? Psalm 78:24-25 says they are angels’ food. The fruits are from the tree of life, Rev. 2:7. The wine is the best ever, John 2:1-11.

• The Cook Is God Himself, Ps. 23:5. • The Waiters Are The Angels, Heb. 1:13-14. Results

• Where there is no vision, the people perish, Pro. 29:18. You cannot pursue it without first seeing it, Gen. 13:14-17. As you dine with the Lord, your spiritual eyes would be opened and you will begin to see visions of greatness and glory, Lk. 24:13-31.

• Health. You need good health and peace to achieve your goal. At the age of 120, Moses was still healthy and strong, Deut. 34:7. Jesus is the Living Bread and if you eat Him you will live, John 6:51.

• Power. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, Isa. 40:30-31. You need the power of God to evangelise the world, Acts 1:8; John 7:37-39. Conclusion The Almighty God wants to dine with us for our own sake. When we dine with Him worthily, we receive vision, health and power in Jesus’ name

