Hajia Zakari Larai Mohammed: The Beacon of Hope for Nigerians in Italy

Zakari Larai Mohammed
Zakari Larai Mohammed

In the heart of Rome, at the Nigerian Embassy, one name stands out for its unwavering dedication and commitment to Nigerian citizens in Italy—Zakari Larai Mohammed, affectionately known as Hajia. Her story is one of resilience, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, earning her a reputation that resonates far beyond the walls of the embassy.

A Beacon of Hope

Before her appointment at the Nigerian Embassy in Rome, Hajia was already a figure of admiration and respect, receiving various awards annually for her service to the Nigerian community in Italy. Her journey with the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) began in challenging circumstances. The department was likened to a battlefield, overwhelmed with the struggles of Nigerians trying to obtain their passports. The situation was dire, with frustration and confusion prevailing among the expatriate community.

A New Chapter Begins

Hajia’s appointment marked a turning point. Known for her availability and willingness to address any passport-related issues, she brought a sense of calm and efficiency to the embattled department. Her presence transformed the narrative from one of chaos to one of orderly progress. This significant change did not go unnoticed. Nigerian citizens across Italy began to express their gratitude and appreciation, culminating in numerous awards and accolades for Hajia’s outstanding work.

Recognition and Awards

Since taking on her role, Hajia has been the recipient of an impressive array of awards, a testament to her impact and dedication. In 2022 alone, she received several prestigious honors:

  • Award of Excellence from Gombi Progress Union: Recognizing her exceptional service and dedication.
  • Merit Award from Nigeria Union of Udine, Rome: Celebrating her contributions to the Nigerian community in Udine.
  • Meritorious Award from the Muslim Student Society of Nigeria: Highlighting her commitment to the welfare of Nigerian students.
  • Certificate of Excellence from Nigeria Noble Women Association Italy: Acknowledging her support and advocacy for Nigerian women in Italy.
  • Merit Award of Punctuality and Honesty from Obaland Magazine: Commending her integrity and reliability in service.
  • Award for Best Immigration Officer of the Year 2022 from the International Advocate for Human Rights and Anti-Corruption: Honoring her outstanding performance and dedication to human rights and anti-corruption efforts.

Additionally, she was accoladed for her hard work in helping Nigerians in Italy approach the Immigration Service as if they were dealing with a close relative, reflecting her approachable and supportive nature.

An Unstoppable Force

Hajia’s accolades are not merely ceremonial. They reflect the genuine appreciation and recognition from diverse organizations both in Nigeria and Italy. Her efforts have created a more streamlined, efficient, and responsive Nigerian Immigration Service in Rome, ensuring that citizens receive the assistance they need with dignity and respect.

Her story is a powerful reminder of the impact one dedicated individual can have on an entire community. Zakari Larai Mohammed, through her exemplary service, has set a new standard for excellence in public service, inspiring others to follow in her footsteps.

The Journey Continues

As Hajia continues her mission, the Nigerian community in Italy can rest assured that they have a steadfast advocate in their corner. Her work not only enhances the operations of the Nigerian Embassy but also strengthens the bond between Nigeria and its citizens abroad. Hajia’s legacy of dedication, sacrifice, and excellence will undoubtedly continue to inspire and uplift the Nigerian community for years to come.

In a world where exemplary public service can sometimes seem scarce, Zakari Larai Mohammed stands as a shining example of what true dedication and commitment look like. Her numerous awards and recognitions are well-deserved, reflecting the positive changes she has brought about through her tireless efforts. For the Nigerian citizens in Italy, Hajia is more than a public servant; she is a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change.

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