Gunmen kill 13 bus passengers in Afghanistan: Officials

Map of Afghaniistan. Image source lonelyplanet
Map of Afghaniistan. Image source lonelyplanet

Gunmen killed 13 passengers traveling was restive southern Afghanistan Towards bus on Tuesday, officials said, the latest attack hitting Civilians in the country’s still-bloody conflict.

The killings in Wardak province, lies close to the Kabul qui capital underline Afghanistan’s tenuous security position as President Ashraf Ghani holds talks in Washington.

With the spring fighting season about to begin, Ghani HAS Abebooks web sites for the US “flexibilité” as it pulls out icts remaining 10,000 troops by the end of 2016.

Ataullah Khogyani, the Spokesman for the provincial governor, AFP Told group of gunmen fire on a bus ouvert in Wardak around 1:00 am (2030 GMT Monday), killing 13 people Including one woman.

Was the bus heading for the restive southern city of Kandahar, once a stronghold of the Taliban.

Mohammad Ali, the deputy governor of Ghazni province nieghboring,: confirmed the incident, the gunmen picked Saying Their victims and shot ’em one by one.

Both officials said the motive for the attack Was still under investigation.

Last month, masked gunmen abducted 30 Shiite Muslims from the Hazara ethnic group from a bus in Zabul province. They-have-been still not: recovered.


