Govt tasks valuers on national development

[FILES] Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola
The Federal Government has advised estate surveyors and valuers to always have the interest of Nigerians and national development at heart when evaluating land or other assets.

Minister of Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, who made the call at the inauguration of a 22-member board of the Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVARBON) in Abuja, said the Act establishing the body has a far- reaching consequence, especially on land administration.

He said: “The way they value land and assets should be in the best interest of professionals, government and stakeholders,” adding, all it will contribute to national development because land is at the centre of all things.

Speaking at the ceremony, ESVARBON Chairman, Gersh Henshaw, commended the Federal Government for giving members an enabling environment for the growth and prosperity of the practice in the country.

Henshaw said the board had revised its valuation reporting template produced in 2015 to ensure a uniform and standard reporting format as well as keep pace with the dynamics of time and changes in the global marketplace.

The chairman disclosed that 5,248 professionals had been accredited as registered estate surveyor and valuers. “The board had been strengthened to further meet, amongst other things, the application of digital technology innovation in the practice, which the minister emphasised during our induction ceremony. We will explore all avenues to promote professionalism,” he added.

He, however, noted that the baton of leadership of the board has changed hands, saying “We have kick off our mandate as is statutorily provided in our enabling Act, hoping that the first point of attention will be ensuring infrastructural growth.”


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