Girls Guide installs Obiano’s wife as patron


WIFE of the Anambra State governor, Mrs. Ebelechukwu Obiano, has been installed as state patron and member of the Nigerian Girls Guide Association during a brief ceremony at the Government House, Awka, over the weekend

Speaking after the installation, the state commissioner of the association, Mrs. Uche Orakwute, said that the Anambra first lady has been found worthy of the investiture, having been dedicated to the service of the people.

She described Mrs. Obiano as “a woman of open heart, a lover of children.” Administering the oath of honour on her, Orakwute noted that the association came into Nigeria in 1919 and thrives on character and training, based on its motto, “Promise and Law,” as well as its dynamic programmes for girls and women.

She said the association is voluntary and open to all girls and young women irrespective of religion, status or tribe, among others.

Responding, Mrs. Obiano said she had always identified with the association and “always wished to be a member but never fulfilled the dream. Your organisation is noble and we will help spread the news to ensure that our young girls join.”

Though she assured of her assistance, she informed them that her office is not statutory and has no budget for operations. Nevertheless, she explained that she intervenes in cause of the less privileged through her non-governmental project, the Caring Family Enhancement Initiative (CAFE).

