Four Ways To Conquer Mondays Like A Navy SEAL

Mondays, for many individuals across the world, set into motion the way the week will go. One cannot afford to start on the wrong foot. This is why many people feel some form of anxiety when Mondays come around. However, one way to get off on the right foot during the week is through discipline and strategic planning, one thing every Navy SEAL embodies. 

Navy SEAL. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

The NAVY SEAL is regarded as the most effective combatant and resilient military wing in the world today. Each SEAL is trained for a year and some months to become fearless, courageous, and emotionally stable to tackle any situation rationally. 

Usually, “Hell Week, which is the toughest phase of the training, lasts for seven weeks. It focuses on physical conditioning, swimming, obstacle courses, teamwork, and mental resilience. Candidates are pushed to their limits with long runs, cold water swims, limited sleep, and constant physical exertion.

There is a lot to learn from the tedious training Navy SEALs go through. Take a look at four training phases you learn from to conquer Monday each week like a Navy SEAL.

READ ALSO: Top 10 Quotes to Get Your Monday Started In The Best Way Possible

1. Swimming

When training as a Navy SEAL, the swimming stage tests you on your proficiency underwater. This is not just about holding your breath under water for long periods of time but learning to power through this challenging situation without losing control.

Like swimming, Mondays can sometimes get overwhelming, leaving you feeling like you’re drowning under the weight of your responsibilities. Learn to take a deep breath to calm yourself before diving headfirst into the day and powering through. Over time, you’ll learn to control your emotions, anxiety, and handle difficult situations better.

2. Obstacle courses

Obstacle courses are motivating and highly challenging training courses that test your skill, agility, and strength under extremely  tough and rigorous obstacles. They provide physical and mental challenges to push through, and the more you attempt and conquer these courses, the easier it gets.

Take each challenge you face as a learning opportunity. Like obstacle courses designed to test agility, strength, and teamwork, Mondays may come with their obstacles. Nevertheless, you must navigate and succeed. Remember, you don’t have to do things alone. Learn to ask for help where necessary.

3. Teamwork

In the words of Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” The Navy SEALs work brilliantly as a group because they understand that teamwork is a key strategy to succeed.

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common goal or vision. Where one team member falters, they can be lifted up by others in the team. That makes it easier to achieve goals together. So, learn to communicate and see things from others’ points of view, even when it differs from yours. By working together with the right team and spirit, irrespective of how daunting Monday may become, a beautiful day awaits. 

4. Mental resilience

During the training at the NAVY SEAL, the instructors will constantly test the mental resolve of the candidates. Facing exhaustion, pain, and discouragement is a regular part of the phase. This helps you manage your emotions and reactions to difficult situations.

Each week comes with its new challenges, but you need to be prepared to face each day with hope and resilience. One way to build this is by learning to be kind to yourself. There is no need to beat yourself up about mistakes you make; after all, we all make mistakes from time to time. So, chin up. You’ve got this! 

Have a wonderful week.


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.

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