Founder Knightshield Services, Onyi Nwike Goldman speaks on the future of Africa

Knightshield Services reigns as one of the UK’s leading tech-based services companies. This multimillion-pound company is proving to be a beacon of light and a powerful force of change in the Industry 4.0 Revolution. Knightshield is a start up with only 1 year in operation, it has been commended with its ability to make impact in healthcare, finance and business supply chains.

The company has managed to ride the waves of the extreme global health crisis characterised by the COVID-19 pandemic. We watched the pandemic mercilessly wreak havoc across the world, sparing no industry. Millions of people worldwide were left unemployed and the global economy shattered. This year, Knightshield Services’ advantageous market position has paved the way for their outstanding success.

One of their most impressive achievements has been their capacity to employ, support and inspire thousands of young people across the world. Their ability to secure contracts with multibillion-dollar firms as well as their attainment of receiving global offers is not only commendable but also inspiring.

Knightshield’s CEO, Onyi Goldman Nwike has demonstrated unparalleled wisdom and insight as he has tapped into the spirit of the times, by offering services that are high in demand, making Knightshield one of the UK’s most unique services. Mr Goldman Nwike is more than an entrepreneur, he is a futurist, economist and an philanthropist . A previous Pharmacy undergraduate, Nwike went on to spend several years trading commodities at a top hedge fund.

He believes that the Knightshield team is poised in the right direction; delivering services in the UK and solutions abroad. He is adamant that the firm builds a name which will be sought after for its ability to see things through. It is evident that Nwike and his leadership team have demonstrated astute execution to consolidate short-term wins, and turn them into long-term victories. A revolutionary company culture has successfully been established, with an intense focus on leadership.

Mr Goldman Nwike also has a passion for the development of young people and has established an undeniable presence as a community leader in the UK. He has his heart set upon youth development in Africa, being a member of the Nigerian Diaspora himself. He believes that another wave of chance is approaching Africa and that technology will provide the opportunity to up-skill or reprogram many nations. He believes that we don’t need the best universities right now, but we do need to build frameworks that revamp many peoples’ way of thinking.

“It takes heart, passion and finances to capture youths but we can’t expect human performance without investment.”

Hundreds of young people within the UK have been empowered through numerous opportunities he has created for those under his leadership; his leadership platform being ‘Pulse Community’ – a social enterprise for people aged 16-30 in London. Millions of pounds have been invested into various community projects, including the establishment of Pulse Academy; a football academy that supports young footballers and secures deals for them in professional football clubs. His heart and passion to see young people excel, as well as his desire to see Knightshield become a multibillion-pound company that helps thousands of people certainly keeps him up at night.


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