Midnight raids may spark #EndSARS-like protest, law firm warns EFCC

EFCC boss orders arrest of operatives who assaulted female hotel worker in viral video
EFCC boss orders arrest of operatives who assaulted female hotel worker in viral video

A law firm, Deji Adeyanju and Partners, has cautioned the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) against acts that can trigger another protest similar to the #EndSARS protest.

Although the EFCC chairman has ordered the arrest of two of its officers allegedly involved in the manhandling of a female worker at the Regional Hotel, Adeyanju urged the commission to be careful not to create a wave of citizens’ dissatisfaction against its operations.

Adeyanju revealed that unnecessary force was used by the EFCC officers against the female worker during the Commission’s midnight ‘sting operation’ at a nightclub in Akure, the Ondo State capital.

“While we recognise the Commission’s powers to investigate all economic crimes, including cybercrimes that have become a menace in our country. We urge the Commission to adopt more intelligence-based techniques in its investigation and arrest of alleged cybercrime offenders.

“The frequent midnight raid of hotels and other places of entertainment does not only adversely affect these businesses, who may be innocent, but also increases the possibility of innocent persons being caught in the crossfire.

“More importantly, citizens’ right to freedom of movement and residence is constitutionally guaranteed, and same should not be breached in the guise of midnight ‘sting operations’ which the current chairman of EFCC had earlier banned.

“While we commend the EFCC’s chairman for the immediate arrest of the officers that assaulted the Regional Hotel staff, we urge the Commission to be careful not to create a wave of citizens’ dissatisfaction against its operations, like the type that led to the ENDSARS protest,” he said.


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