EFCC declares Sunrise Power promoter wanted for alleged bribery

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has declared Leno Adesanya, promoter of Sunrise Power and Transmission Limited, wanted in connection with an alleged “conspiracy and corrupt offer to public officers” related to the $6 billion Mambilla hydropower contract.

EFCC issued the notice on Tuesday, seeking Adesanya’s arrest in connection with the ongoing case against former Minister of Power and Steel, Olu Agunloye.

Agunloye was arraigned on seven charges, bordering on the fraudulent award of a contract and official corruption, in January 2024. Adesanya’s name appeared in three of the seven counts of charges against Agunloye.

The anti-graft alleged that on May 22, 2003, Agunloye awarded a contract, titled “Construction of 3,960MW Mambilla Hydroelectric Power Station on a Build, Operate and Transfer Basis” to Sunrise Power and Transmission Company Limited, without any budgetary provision, approval, or cash backing.

The former minister was also alleged to have corruptly received the sum of N3.6m from Sunrise Power and Transmission Company Limited, and Leno AdLimited on August 10, 2019 for having conveyed the ‘approval of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the construction of the 3,960 megawatts Mambilla Hydroelectric Power Station’ in favour of SPTCL, which was done without the approval of the Federal Executive Council.

Adesanya, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges.


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