Discovering God’s unchanging purpose for you

Pastor Austen C. Ukachi

“To those who were to receive what he promised, God wanted to make it very clear that he would never change his purpose; so he added his vow to the promise,” (Hebrews 6:17 GNT).

Nothing is as important as knowing what God’s purposes are for you in this New Year. Equally important is living by His plans and purpose for us. God’s purpose for you is immutable, that is, it does not change. Regardless of the new season, and the changing circumstances of life, God’s plan for you remains steadfast. The past year and months may have been adverse and unfavourable, yet God’s plan and thoughts towards you are for good and not for evil. Unlike man who changes with the vagaries of life, God is not so, His plans and purpose remains steadfast to all generations.

God’s purpose could be a promise as we find in His word to Abraham (Hebrews 6:11-20). In Abraham, God demonstrated how his purpose and promises are linked together. When God made a promise to Abraham, which was also his purpose for him, Abraham waited in faith and patience until the promise of God to him was fulfilled. God swore by himself in order to assure Abraham that his purpose shall never fail. Abraham’s example gives us hope that God’s promises and purpose for us shall never fail.

Isaiah 55:10-11 reveals how important God’s promises are. His promise is his honour and integrity. God is bound by His promises and has the power to accomplish whatever it is meant for. Isaiah 55:10-11 likens God’s word to the rain, which falls to the ground and does not return until it brings forth fruit from the earth.

God’s plans for you are revealed in his promises in the Bible. His word has inherent power to accomplish whatever it is declared to achieve. As you study the Bible, you will discover his promises concerning every aspect of your life. In 2 Samuel 7: 23-27, God revealed his plans for David. He promised to build a dynasty for David. God eventually fulfilled that promise to David.

Again, in Joshua 14, Caleb at 85 recalls a promise God made to him at Kadesh Barnea when he was 40 years old. At 85, he testified that God kept him strong to see the fulfillment of the promise. He then urged Joshua to give him Hebron to go and conquer and possess it.

God’s purpose is that in all things Christ will have preeminence in your life and in all the earth. Paul says that God “works all things accordingly to the counsel of his will that we should be to the praise of His glory,”(Eph.1:11-12).

As regards the nations, God makes the plans of men of no effect so that His own counsel would be established. His counsel overrides all the counsels of the nations. He thwarts and frustrates the plans of the nations so that his counsel will prevail, (Psalms 33:10-12 NKJV).

Like Esther, some may not understand what God’s purpose and plan are for them; they only come to the understanding of them with time. This New Year, I pray that you be awakened to understand what God’s unchanging purpose is and to realise that His purpose is revealed in His promises for us in Christ Jesus.

I encourage you to search the scriptures, by so doing you will discover God’s unchanging purpose for you in 2024.

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