Discover the will of God for you – Part 20

Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide
Given that power, the believer must then accept that responsibility in salvation and remain in Christ. The Greek word “meno” means to remain, continue, abide or live. Just as the branch has life only as long as the life of the vine flows into it, so believers have Christ’s life only as long as Christ’s life flows into them through their remaining in Christ. The conditions by which we remain in Christ are:

i. Keeping God’s word continually in our hearts and minds and making it the guide for our actions (v. 7)

ii. Maintaining the habit of constant intimate communion with Christ in order to draw strength from Him (v. 7).

iii. Obeying His commands, remaining in His love (v. 10) and loving each other (vv, 12,17).

iv. Keeping our lives clean through the Word. Resisting all sins and yielding to the Spirit’s direction (v.3; 17:17; Rom 8:14; Gal 5:16-25; Eph 5:26; 1Pet 1:22).

Seeking God’s Guidance
Life is full of decisions, and if we want to make the right choices — those that glorify God and benefit us and others — we need God’s guidance. The following seven words will help us in seeking his direction.

• Cleansing. We need to ask: “Is anything in my life hindering me from hearing what you are saying? If so, what is it?” Cleansing comes by confession (1Jn 1:9).

• Surrendering. We must submit to whatever God instructs us to do. Sometimes we find it difficult to move ahead because we want to know step two before we complete step one of God’s will. However, we must surrender ourselves to his timing and guidance. Obeying the will of God is both a humbling and an uplifting experience (1Pet 5:6).

• Asking. James 4:2 reports: “You do not have because you do not ask God.” God promises that when we ask according to his will, he hears us. And when we know that he hears us, we know he will answer (lJn 5:14-15) — even though the answer may come over a long period of time.

• Meditating. God promises that his word will be a light to our path (Ps 119:105), so, the more we think about His word, the clearer our path will be.

• Believing. In Mark’s gospel, we learnt that each time we ask, we must believe He is going to give us what we have requested for (Mk 11:22-24). Therefore, trust that He will show you what to do.

• Waiting. God promises that He acts on our behalf when we wait for Him (Is 64:4). If we run ahead of Him and try to fix things on our own or manipulate circumstances, we will most certainly be disappointed. However, if we wait on the Lord, then our sovereign, divine, omnipotent God will act on our behalf. It is our choice.

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