World - Page 1275

A festivalgoer (L) gives her proxy for the second round of France's legislative elections at a dedicated counter to assist festival-goers establish a voting proxy at a national gendarmerie office set up at the festival campsite during the 34rd edition of the Eurockeennes de Belfort rock music festival in Sermamagny, eastern France on July 5, 2024. (Photo by Jean-Christophe VERHAEGEN / AFP)

France braces for crunch election

France on Saturday prepared for its most consequential legislative election of recent times, with residents of overseas territories opening voting for a poll expected to give the far right its biggest-ever presence
7 hours ago

Verdict delayed in ex-Gaza strongman graft tria

A Palestinian court on Sunday postponed its verdict in the trial of exiled Gaza strongman Mohammed Dahlan, who is being tried in absentia on corruption charges, an AFP correspondent reported. The ruling,
9 years ago

Hong Kong compete in ‘boring’ ultramarathon

HUNDRENS of runners have competed in Hong Kong’s first inner-city ultramarathon, despite organisers describing it as “quite boring”. The 50km (31 mile) HK Ultramarathon saw competitors cover the same stretch of road
9 years ago

The India budget to boost investment

INDIAN PM Narendra Modi’s government has unveiled a business-friendly budget aimed at attracting greater investment for the economy. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced an unprecedented corporate tax cut, in the government’s first
9 years ago