Borno partners Malala Foundation to boost girls’ education

Girls’ education activist, Malala Yousafzai, flanked by Borno State Governor, Babagana Zulum (right) and her father, Melanne Yousafzai, as she receives a souvenir from Zulum, at Government House, Maiduguri…yesterday.

Borno State Government is partnering the Malala Foundation to boost education of girls in the state.

According to Malala Yousafzai, investment in the education of girls will fulfil the future potential of millions of girls in the global economy.

While unveiling the partnership, yesterday, in Maiduguri, when United Nations (UN) Deputy Secretary General, Amina Mohammed, visited him, Governor Babagana Zulum disclosed: “The Foundation has awarded scholarships to 700 Borno school girls, including 35 Chibok girls that were abducted by Boko Haram in April, 2014.”

He added that 27 classrooms were renovated by the Foundation “to ensue safe teaching and learning environment in schools.”

On adopted measures to boost girls’ education in the state, he said about 500,000 school-age children, comprising over 50 per cent of girls, were enrolled into primary schools.

He, therefore, pledged to invest in the education of girls, to crash the rate of school dropouts and child marriages.

Besides creating a conducive learning environment, the Foundation also built a 400-bed hostel for the female st

“Education of girls could empower women to improve their living conditions, including their communities and families.

“Educated girls at all levels are able to make informed decisions at home, organisations and other institutions in the state,” he said.

Yousafzai remarked: “I was thrilled to visit Nigeria to meet incredible number of girls in Borno, are in schools.” She said it coincided with the 10th anniversary of her speech on girls’ education at the UN.

Mohammed, on her part, stated that investment in the girls’ education would meet the fourth and fifth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2023.


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